You do not have to include your Steam ID if you are only going to be running a listen server (e.g. Here is an example of how your administrator list file could look: No additional functionality is currently available to owners, it's mainly for show. If the server is yours you can also denote yourself as such by placing an asterisk * before your Steam ID, for which you will get a tinted icon. Server administrators will be shown as such on the score board with the icon. You can write comments after if you want to keep note of the players' handle. To give a player administrative status simply write their Steam ID on a line in this file. These players are given this status by declaring their Steam ID within the file adminsfile (pointing to ' admins.txt' by default). Sven Co-op has a (minimal) framework for server administrators and owners to get some representation of their status and some basic functionality to help control the game session. 3 Multiple server instances on a single installation.